In theory, the functioning of a pyroelectric detector is absolutely comprehensible. As the centrepiece in gas analysers, flame sensors, spectral analysis devices as well as non-contact temperature measurement, it measures gas concentrations, detects flames and helps in the analysis of substance compositions. But how exactly can users integrate their infrared detectors into their measuring solution […]

Power electronics is a key enabler for the future renewable energy based grid and plays an important role for improving the efficiency of power devices. E-mobility, industrial pumps and transportation systems benefit from the latest technologies of this research direction. They ask for faster active components, high power densities of miniaturized systems as well as

Online Event: Thermography Solutions for Power Electronics (Webinar | Online)Read More »

In the upcoming online event “Pyroelectric Detectors in Action” our InfraTec experts will not just give an introduction into the world of infrared detectors. In two practical presentation you will also get the know-how for using a pyroelectric detector target-oriented by e. g. setting up the relevant parameters. A Glance at the Online Event Overview

Online Event “Pyro­elec­tric Detectors in Action” (Webinar | Online)Read More »

Thermal optimisation of the assembly process and components is a central issue in the development of new products. The temperature distribution of energised PCBs and individual components can be analysed very well by using powerful thermal imaging systems, while hotspots can be tracked in the image area at the same time. Learn more about micro-thermography

Micro-Thermography: Temperature Measurement in the Micrometer Scale (Webinar | Online)Read More »

Die Entwicklung und Produktion komplexer Baugruppen und Komponenten stellt hohe Anforderungen an die thermische Optimierung. Der Einsatz der Mikrothermografie ermöglicht die thermische Analyse kleinster Strukturen im µm-Bereich, wie sie beispielsweise in der Mikroelektronik vorkommen. Ein Blick auf die Veran­stal­tung Was sind die physikalischen Besonderheiten der Mikrothermografie? Welche technischen Anforderungen bestehen an ein Kamerasystem? Welches Zubehör

Mikrothermografie: Berührungslose Temperaturmessung im Mikrometerbereich (Webinar | Online)Read More »